Sunday, May 25, 2014

Because of You

Well, it has been quite some time since I have written a few of my courageous thoughts on paper for you all to read. Reasoning.... I have been experiencing so many things daily, my comprehension of it all is a little bit of a blur. WHOA, has it been an awesome ride. 

Since my last post, I have ran a marathon, graduated from the University of Alabama, been a bridesmaid to 4 best friends, and traveled to 8 different European countries- while currently working on my 9th. I have transitioned out of my first big girl job to my second big girl job as a Marketing, creative project manager with a team in Nashville, TN. I co-founded a local "Art with a Green Heart" company and have literally DOVE into the Birmingham, AL music and local arts scene. (Now, do you forgive me?) I am truly moving forward with who I want to be.
All because of you. YES, you.

I have been analyzing, contemplating, meeting, loving, living... with old and new forms of you. I have been absolutely overwhelmed by the amount I have learned and felt from the people who have been in my life the past two years, both near and very far. My love of people has turned into an obsession and it is something that I am insanely proud of. While I still don't have it all together (quite frankly, not sure if I ever will) I am taking steps every day towards a very big, scary new goal of mine.

It is quite obvious that I love to share my thoughts with you, and in turn- hear your thoughts for me. I live by understanding other's struggles and achievements, being inspired that every day can be something new and different and innovative. We live in a lovely world full of ways for me to get to know folks from all different paths. While this is so, along my journey of getting to know you I have had the honor to share many, very difficult stories and lifetime trials that are being faced, similarly all across the world. I can't help but constantly feel these thoughts on my shoulder and I care, so dang much about you.... I just want to sit and contemplate on how to overcome, how to be better, how to find new roses to smell every day to tackle these heavy stories that life sometimes likes to throw our way.

Because of this, because of you, because of me.... I have decided to write a Motivational Book- a "DIY Guide" if you will, of understanding your needs and taking action towards what you want. This guide will include many of YOUR stories that have influenced me the most. So cheers to today and to tomorrow. I hope to make a timeless happy place that both you and I can use and pass on and on and on. I hope you will be patient with me and prayerful that this experience will be positive and uplifting, however these dice may roll. I will be updating and including you on my walk, all the while.

Love y'all,

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