Monday, September 15, 2014

Say No to YOLO

YOLO. You only live once.
A phrase we all know and love. A phrase we can't wait to slap on a coozie and trot around in our Ray-bans with... living life to the fullest. Well, while we only live once, we only live once. Think about it.

We only get the chance to do certain things, say certain things, meet certain people. So if we realize we only get a few seconds to work with here, why are we so frivolous with them? And most important of all, WHY are we so careless who we experience them with?

Don't get me wrong... I am the first person that will drive an hour for the best smoothie, take off at midnight to the beach, or talk to a random stranger in the parking lot for an hour. But even though I am Pro-rando, I can't help but notice how delicate every "once" really is.

You can think of it this way- A day of soaking up Netflix on the couch is good for the soul- It should actually be in the bible. Restful, meaningless days like this can bring our minds back to life. But while "Thou Shall Netflix"...  have you ever thought about WHO thou are Netflixing with? Like, really really thought about it.

  • If it's yourself- good for you. Have a you day and show no mercy. 
  • If it's a person who makes your heart beat a little faster- you are lucky. Soak up every single second of it.
  • If it is with your best friend- laugh about everything. One true friend is the greatest gift in the world. 
  • If it is with your family- notice them. The moment will seem meaningless, yet in a few years it will mean everything. 
  • But if one day you find yourself Netflixing with someone who doesn't really see you as "somebody," you might want to change the episode. 

People are the most amazing things. Beyond any flying object or wishing fountain, people are the actual wonders of the world. This is because the people you surround yourself with will do the most amazing things to you. They will make you think twice, they will make you forget, they they will make you shine, they will make you disappear, they will make you weak, they will make you smile. Those who you choose to share your moments with, will change you.

Be careful to always spend time with those who see you as just important as they see themselves. The more important they see you, the better they will treat you. In the end, our moments are memories and our memories stain our hearts. We should always make room for new things, new people, and new places. We should always make room for meaningless days on the couch, soaking up life with every morsel of doughnut powder. But as the nights wear down- think of those who bring meaning to your moments, big or small. Think of how they can change who you are. Think about those who value your existence, envy those who don't want to disappoint you, and respect those who thank you for sharing another priceless moment of your life with them.

Find importance in others and find value in yourself. Be a better you. Be a better Netflix mate. Seriously.